Brewed Thoughts: Churp Churp: Not exactly a Twitter clone

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Churp Churp: Not exactly a Twitter clone

I love social media. It's a great way to get in touch with old and new friends, know about a lot of  interesting information and even bag great deals while you're at it. I'm even going to say the most passe catch phrase: it's revolutionizing the way we communicate. Even the person most adverse to technology will either get curious about it or will probably create their own social media account (case in point: parents in Facebook).

There's just so many things that I'm learning about this revolutionary information sharing tool (I'm just gonna rub the term for good measure, lol) that I find myself signing up for accounts in most of the up-and-coming platforms. I encountered Churp Churp linked as a status message in one of my friend's IM account. Since I have a pathetic emotional quotient, naturally, I clicked the link, thinking that it was probably a local clone of Twitter.

Not exactly.

Churp Churp is a "social sharing site" where it makes us of people who own social media accounts to post content in behalf of an advertiser.

Spread the love and share the latest rewards and news to your friends and followers. Pick a campaign you'd like to share on, get your personal link, and share the news on any of your social media platforms. Get rewarded from your total clicks. Most importantly, we strongly encourage you NOT to spam and mislead your friends when sharing. - taken from the official site

Compared to other social marketing strategies of businesses these days, this looks pretty nifty because content is "personalized" for the benefit of the user's network of friends.

I personally hate content that's obviously reeking in hard sell marketing spin. Assuming that Churpers (what they call them users. I know. Weird stuff.) actually take the time to personalize their messages before hitting the send button, people with low EQs such as myself (and a natural penchant for nosing around stuff) will most probably click whatever link is indicated.

I'm guessing this method of content posting will soon take off to great heights, especially with advertisers being deloaded the burden of coming up with catchy words that will inevitably be ignored because it screams a-d-v-e-r-t-i-s-e-m-e-n-t. Although Churp Churp has this ad disclaimer in every endorsed post, but still, content that's been seasoned with marketing BS leaves a bitter taste in the mouth.

I'm thinking of giving this a shot to see how effective it is (and earn a quick buck too). Don't worry about me posting unwanted ads masked as a blog entry...unless of course it piques my interest as well and warrants a massive show and tell session with everyone I know in the social media universe. Hehe.

The Pinoy way to chirp. #phchurpchurp

Image taken from Hot Blog